About Us
At Miss Blu’s Perfect Pooch, we strive for excellence with our training. Every dog learns differently and deserves a customized training plan that works not only for the dog, but for the human too.
It is important for everyone to be comfortable, enjoy what they are doing, and to be proud of their accomplishments.
There is no “one-way fits all” method in dog training. We understand that and we work with you and your pet to reach the desired outcome in a relaxing and stress-free environment.
Humans don’t speak dog and dogs don’t speak human; but using positive reinforcement training we have learned how to teach humans how to properly interact in the dog world and how to teach dogs how to properly interact in the human world.
~Speak Positive~~Speak Dog~
Positive reinforcement methods are not just making your dog sit for food; For some, it may be a treat, a toy, or affection. We find what motivates them and we build on that.
There are many different training methods that are used today but at Miss Blu’s Perfect Pooch, we choose positive reinforcement. We see the impact of how quickly dogs learn with it, how much fun dogs and owners have, and the strong relationship it builds between them.

“Jackie’s love for training is so apparent. She helped get our boy behaving better, being calmer overall and paying attention. He learned so much and I did too! Teaching me to teach him is key. He loved his time with her and looked forward to seeing her every week. He seemed to mature so much in those 6 weeks. I highly recommend her program!!”